Following our initial feedback we’re looking for now is finding out more about the problems you face as producers regarding finding the right scripts and what would best help you. Watch the video below or jump to the bottom to find out more.
The survey should take 1 minute to complete.
Survey for producers
Watch our video to find out more.
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Why we are asking you to complete a survey
We have a dedicated page for producers and production companies that explains more fully what we offer in detail.
At we filter out unsuitable screenplays and identify those that have potential but need work. We do this in a fraction of the time it usually takes – so you can get scripts and pitches in front of executives sooner.
We also identify scriptwriters and themes for under-represented backgrounds and have diverse readers give feedback. Finally, our upload tool means that producers like you won’t be sent screenplays directly and we don’t claim to ownership for doing so.
What we’re looking for now is finding out more about the problems you face as producers and what would best help you.
We are looking for one production company to team up with to take on their slush pile. There’s no charge and no commission, but it is for a limited period only – get in touch if you want to know more.